This graphic training aid (GTA) is an indispensable reference tool for tactical Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Soldiers assigned to leadership positions. It contains valuable, comprehensive, and timesaving information in a concise format, making it easily transportable and simple to use. The focus of this GTA is to provide requisite information to help the tactical PSYOP Soldier better plan and execute PSYOP in support of a maneuver commander. Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) leading a three-man tactical Psychological Operations team (TPT) or planning PSYOP at division or corps levels will find this GTA extremely helpful.
Fully Waterproof, Durable
Fillable, Erasable, Rewritable
3 Black Micro Rings included Free
Item no: ARIPSY36A
Card Count: 36
Size: 5.5 x 4.25 IN.