

The goal of M.I.R. is to produce a product that increases the efficiency and effectiveness of small unit leaders, while remaining simple, straightforward and intuitive.

Adhering to this philosophy has yielded a product that consists of a combination of elements that work in conjunction to create a functional, cohesive whole: a proprietary, re-write capable, paper replacement material, containing unit specific templates and text, are combined to form the product core.

These pages are used with permanent marking pens, a correction pen, a bottle of correction fluid, and a cover, to form the dedicated interactive field reference kit - the THULS (Tactical Handbook, Unit Leader, Small).


1990s: Marine Corps Scout Swimmer The inventor of THULS served as a NCO in the Marine Corps and he just couldn’t figure out why a writing material didn’t exist that could withstand the rigors of water, training, and combat (humorously thought of as being “Marine-proof”).

2000s: THULS and Mission Information Resources, Inc (MIR) Created Through a lot of trial and error - and a lot of personal investment - the ‘right’ mix was created and a patent was applied for and granted that enables the THULS material to serve as a preprinted, all-weather, rewritable surface. Outreach to the Marine Corps begins with the creation of custom THULS Battalion and Regimental TACSOPs.

2010s: THULS USMC Formalization The Marines begin to issue THULS “Leader’s Tactical Handbooks” to all new officers and to infantry unit leaders. With over 40 custom unit SOPs created and almost 40,000 handbook products delivered to Marines, MIR branches into individual tactical items and full-scale support for Army units and all government agencies. The Department of Energy creates its first custom handbook for its security protection forces.

Multi-Environment Rewrite System (MERS)

THULS provides a rewritable medium that will not smear or wash away with water or sweat & that can be completely erased without having the preprinted information/templates removed in the process.

Write with permanent map pen or ULTRA-fine sharpie and use correction pens, 90% rubbing alcohol,or whiteboard cleaner to erase.

A pencil and an eraser allow the THULS pages to be used underwater and in all weather conditions.


The military's recent operational tempo has placed more and more responsibility and pressure on today’s small unit leaders. Advances in technology and the procurement of equipment for the small unit leader’s suite of gear, taken in combination with modifications to doctrine and evolving tactics, only adds to what was an already large and disparate pool of required knowledge needed for only basic proficiency, let alone actual mastery. Today’s small unit leader must be proficient in an array of radios, optics, night vision devices, and global positioning systems along with a multitude of weapons systems. As the proverbial “tip of the spear,” a small unit leader must be able to plan, coordinate, communicate, lead and execute under the most stressful of circumstances.

They lacked weatherproof durability, standardized information and a re-writable surface. WE CHANGED ALL THAT.

Today's small unit leader is responsible and accountable for such a large amount of information that it is impossible to commit it all to memory or be capable of recalling the needed information when the moment counts. For years, the small unit leader has adapted and overcome through a variety of innovation and resourcefulness; from notebooks in zip-lock bags, to laminated paper, to homemade cheat sheets stuffed inside the pages of a flight crew checklist. Unfortunately such homemade solutions, although a certain advantage over having nothing, fell short in a number of areas. Since 2004, Mission Information Resources has adeptly addressed this need with the Tactical Handbook, Unit Leader, Small, commonly referred to as THULS. This patented concept incorporates a specially manufactured paper replacement material that provides the user with a durable, re-writable surface that contains the most current information used by today’s Small Unit Leader.


With the expansion of Homeland Security there is an increased need for a consistent implementation of emergency management to provides a solid foundation across jurisdictions and disciplines to ensure effective and integrated preparedness, planning and response. Mission Information Resources make standard ICS forms, training material, reports, and medical forms available on our patented ultra durable rewritable pages designed to fit in a standard uniform cargo pocket. Custom designed for Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, Customs, Fire, and Medical personnel


Commercial applications include training material, checklists, site maps which are subject to extreme conditions. Printed on our patented page material, data can be recorded in the rain, sleet or snow, even underwater without smearing and then easily erased to reuse.